Friday, April 14, 2006

Jesus Christ: The Resurrected Savior

Jesus Christ died almost 2000 years ago. Why did he die?
A) the Jews hated him
B) Satan wanted the Son of God dead
C) Judas betrayed him
D) Jesus wanted to die
E) You and I have sinned against Almighty God

Correct Answer: E. The only reason the Son of God came to earth was to die. You and I, my friend, have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Because of God's holiness and perfection, He hates sin. For many years, God accepted the sacrifices of bulls and goats as a temporary atonement, covering of the sins. But it wasn't enough. It was temporary, insufficient.
When the Son of God died on the cross, our sins were nailing him to the wood. He took our place, the judgement that should be on our heads was upon Him. The great news is that Jesus did not stay dead, no He rose again 3 days later. This empty tomb reminds us that Jesus is resurrected and alive today! How do I know He lives? He lives within my heart.
The message that brings salvation is that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!!

1 comment:

karl said...

I'm gonna save everyone a lot of time...ok ok, i know that there is some strong evidence for some of the other choices, but it's like the SAT/ACT. some are good answers, but what is the best answer!! thanks